When Can You Seek Compensation for a Multivehicle Accident in Georgia?
As with all types of car accidents, seeking financial compensation after a multivehicle accident in Georgia requires proof that someone else was at fault in the crash. While this can include any and all forms of driver negligence (as well as non-driver-related factors), some of the most common grounds for seeking compensation after a multivehicle accident include:
- Driver Error – From merging without looking to slamming on the brakes, all types of driving errors can lead to serious multivehicle accidents.
- Driving Too Fast – Exceeding the speed limit is a common factor in multivehicle accidents. So is driving too fast for road or weather conditions.
- Tailgating – When drivers tailgate, they often cannot stop in time to avoid a rear-end collision. When multiple drivers are tailgating, this can lead to a chain reaction accident.
- Texting or Talking on the Phone – When drivers are texting or talking on the phone, they aren’t paying full attention to the task at hand. This increases their risk of playing a role in a multivehicle accident.
In addition to seeking compensation for these and other forms of driver negligence, multivehicle accident victims will often be able to pursue other claims as well. Brake failures, negligent vehicle repairs and negligent road maintenance are just a few examples of numerous additional factors that can play a role in chain reaction and other multivehicle accidents.