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30 Sep / 2021

The Serious Nature of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are not like regular vehicle accidents.  There are many issues to consider in a truck accident that may not be present in a typical vehicle accident, including commercial trucking and third-party liability issues. In addition, the size of commercial trucks poses a more significant threat to those in […]

30 Aug / 2021

Amber’s Edit: Ethylene Oxide and Breast Cancer – Info All Women Need

Ethylene oxide is an organic compound comprised of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (C2H40) that is typically used to manufacture consumer products, such as, among others, antifreeze, detergents, solvents, pesticides, and sterilizing agents. Ethylene oxide’s effectiveness as a sterilizer has a trade-off. Although sterilization of medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, and food packaging […]

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